Our Beeswax

Beeswax candles possess a naturally sweet and earthy aroma that brings a subtle warmth and coziness to a space.

We can’t think of anything more hygge.

We burn a lot of candles in our home. They help us through the long Canadian winters; they accompany us in moments of quiet meditation.

We love the way beeswax carries the sweetness of the hive into our home. The wax we use comes from our own hives; we remove the wax cappings from the frames each time we harvest honey. These are melted down in our solar melter, and subsequently filtered several more times to remove any impurities, until we are left with golden yellow beeswax. Our white beeswax undergoes further filtration to remove every bit of honey and pollen solids remaining, leaving only a creamy white coloured wax.

We use all the wax cappings our hives produce each season; we purchase any additional wax we require from a trusted local beeswax supplier here in the 1000 Islands region of Ontario. It takes upwards of 20 pounds of honey for the bees to produce a pound of beeswax; so it’s a treasured commodity here! Worker bees possess glands which allow them to take the sugars they consume and transform them into fats (I.e. beeswax). They use it in constructing every part of the hive, and notably, capping the cells of honey once it reaches the desired moisture content for preservation.  It is these cappings that we keep when we harvest honey each summer. The rest of the wax returns to the hive after honey extraction.